Dear friends:

I am writing to ask for your help in supporting this website. I am the sole operator of this website and have been working on it full-time for the past two years. I have not had any other income during this time.

I am currently facing a lot of financial pressure, especially with the rising costs of high-quality content and server maintenance. These costs are a huge and difficult expense for me to bear on my own.

If you have found any of the content on this website helpful, I would like to ask for your support. You can support me by donating any amount of cryptocurrency to my TRC20 wallet. Your donation will help me to continue living, keep the platform running stably, and create more high-quality content for you and others.

If you are unable to donate at this time, I would still be grateful if you could help me by sharing this content on your social media platforms. This will help to give our content more exposure and reach a wider audience.

Thank you very much for your help!


Your friend,DR.Zhou

[My TRC20 wallet QR code]